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The Meaning of R.M.P is rural medical practitioner in India. Initially R.M.P ragistration were issued on certificate training course or 3 years experience base for allopathic, Ayurveda, unani homeopathic, electro homeopathy, naturopathy and yoga etc. General practice

So R.M.P Membership registration are issued by R.M.P welfare association registered with government of India ministry of corporate affair and ministry of micro, small, medium enterprises (M.S.M.E) neetiayog and I:S:O certified.

That more 1crore rural medical practitioner are providing thier primary health care services in rural/urban areas. R.M.P welfare association is issuing R.M.P membership ragistration all over India so any 3 years expenses rural Medical practitioner/ professional contact R.M.P. membership registration this association. The association will be safe guard to the R.M.P doctors as he will wind the rules & regulations of this association/Council.


has got an 3 year experience as a rural medical practitioner in his / her rural / local areas. has the participate in rular medical practitioner CMS training course 6 month on reproductive primary health care . A bonofide member of our R.M.P welfare association (INDIA) his/ her membership registration as recorded in the register of the association the cartificate valid only for him / her as a membership of this association.

The R.M.P Membership cartificate will be issued by the association/council.R.M.P. welfare association Regd. with government of india ministry of corporate Affairs and ministry of micro, small, medium enterprises (MSME) government of india And niti ayog I:S:O certified license no. 136386 CIN no. U80210UP2022 NPL 166382.

R.M.P Membership registration is not much strong For Medical practitioner (it is just like a membership) of association.

According to honorable supreme Court of India judgment the C.M.S diploma holder doctor can practice as a primary health care disease in recommended medicine by World health organisation (W.H.O) for primary health care he can issue medical certificate.

From above Membership registration certificate there will be no registration in M.C.I/N.M.C/ state Medical faculty or C.M.O office. but this certificate will be proof of your knowledge. The verification of your certificate will sent by the association use these essential drugs as per instructino and the guide line of the training manual of W.H.O to treat the minor elements do not use any narcotics drugs of any such activity an transpalety found your registration will be cancelled.

Enclose:-5 photo qualificaon a tested photo copy 3 year experience proof .from registered doctor/MLA/MP/gazetted officer or CMS Training Certificate